RATINGS: πŸ“šπŸ“šπŸ“šπŸ“šπŸ“š

You ever read a book so beautifully composed, but it’s not quite a beautiful story? That is how I feel about First Dark. I could vividly picture each scene and feel every emotion of the characters. This is the kind of story that makes you appreciate the life you have now, but it makes you incredibly sad that those who have suffered or fought for the life we live now won’t see it, enjoy it.

Coming of age story about Issac Rice and his journey to becoming a soldier, and his experience there after. Issac just wanted to escape slavery and find his place in the world. We read as Isaac traveled to sign up for the war, but his is too young. So he works along side them aboard the ships until he was old enough to join. I admire his hard work, his determination, and his strength above all.

Along his journey, we see him witness all kinds of horrors, make friends, and fall in love. He believes in his country and is proud to fight, not just for his freedom, but also for the freedom of others. He is the epitome of a soldier. I also loved all the side characters, they will bring this book together.

I am putting this book on my teenage son’s reading list. Highly recommend.

Bob Rogers is a former US Army captain and a combat veteran of the Vietnam War. Later, he sojourned for thirty-three years at IBM. Bob was also a charter member of the Baltimore, Maryland chapter of the 9th and 10th (Horse) Cavalry Association.

Bob published his first novel, Hitting Life’s Curveballs, in October 2009. In the years since, he released historical novels, First Dark: A Buffalo Soldier’s StoryThe Laced Chameleon, the novella, Sacrifice at Shiloh Church, and a memoir with a fellow Vietnam War veteran, My Blue Yonder.