RATING: 📚📚📚📚📚

An Overflow With Hope is the fifth and last book in the Hope series. I don’t think you have to read them in a particular order. What I liked most is that I can relate to each book in some way, whether it be from experience or I knew someone who went through something similar.

This is Tempia and Corey’s story. I’ll tell you one thing: E.C. Jackson knows how to pull an reaction out of you with her stories. The drama begins unfolding within the first few pages; hook, line, and sinker. It draws you in, and you can’t help but read it all in one sit down.

One decision can change your life and leave a heavy impression long after that decision has been made. Tempia chose between two men, Corey and Quince. She chose Quince and ended up in an abusive marriage because of it. I tried not to get mad, as more information came to light (tried and failed), as I remembered baby girl is mad young. I mean, we all did shit we regret around that age.

Tempia is now divorced and trying to rebuild her life and regain her independence. She also wants to repair the damage she caused in her relationship with Corey. Now this is where me trying hard not to get mad fails, especially when I learned why they fell out. I kid you not, I was beating my head with this book, screaming in frustration. Dramatic, I know I’m a Leo. I was upset until I remembered her age, and she may not have been as confident in where she stood with Corey at the time for the events of that night to pan out as it did. All I saw when reading was an insecure little girl, and Quince (hate him) played right into that.

Corey, bless his heart. He handled it all maturely. He didn’t let her off the hook, and he let her know what she did was wrong. He truly tried to understand what was going through her head at the time to make take the word of a stranger over someone she has known for a long time. She never once came to him and tried to hear his side of things. She just took what someone else said and ran with it. Like he stated, one date can be chopped to a mistake, but anything after is intentional.

Their journey was a long one, especially Tempia’s. That girl screamed insecurity. Even when it seemed she and Corey were on the right track and getting their relationship back, that mind of hers would work overtime. If he doesn’t call or visit as often as she thinks he should, she feels it is because he does not want to and never considers he may be busy or needs just a little space.

I’m not gone, lie I do not like Tempia. I promise I tried, I did. She refused to accept accountability for her actions. Like baby girl own up to it. She wants people to walk on eggshells around her, and whenever someone spits a truth she can’t handle, she breaks down and cries or gets mad. Her friend Gabby (I loved her) said it best, she said Tempia have these huge expectations that will never be filled.

If Tempia had it her way, Corey would be under her all day and night. Everyone would let the past go and excuse her behavior that night. This girl frustrated me throughout the whole book. He almost has to speak to her as if she was a child to get her to understand and see the error in the situation caused by her alone. It’s like Gabby said, Tempia has to learn to forgive herself first before she can heal.

This was another great book. One of the best in the series. The main lesson in this book is communication. Everything that panned out could’ve been avoided if she had just opened her mouth. Highly recommend this series. Christian romance ain’t without its fair share of drama. Pick this series up ASAP.

E. C. Jackson began her writing career with the full-length play Pajama Party. Thirty-one years later, she adapted the play into Pajama Party: The Story, a companion book to the second book in the five-book standalone Hope series. 

Jackson’s favorite pastime is reading fiction. She enjoys taking the journey along with the characters in the books. That also led to her unorthodox approach to story writing. Her vision for each book she writes is to immerse readers into the storyline so they become connected with each character. 

“The Write Way: A Real Slice of Life” is the slogan on her Facebook author page. She feels that if every person reading her books feels connected to the characters, her job is done.


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