RATING: 📚📚📚📚

This has been a long ride with Miss Alyssa. Every time she turns around, somebody is after her and giving her magical abilities that she does not want. To be perfectly honest, I think my favorite part about these books is that she doesn’t care for magic. It’s a refreshing take on what you normally read when it comes to fantasy books.

Alyssa is now 14 years old and is dealing with, ya know, teenage girl things. On top of that, she has been giving dangerous new magical powers that are hard for her to control, and ones that she may not get rid of. If she cannot control her powers or emotions, she could be at risk of losing everyone she loves. A fourteen year old controlling their emotions, easier said than done.

I love how her character was written. For her age, she handles these challenges well. She does what she has to do to save the ones she cares for. Her support group, friends, are awesome too. This was a nice magical journey, and I can’t wait for my daughter to experience it.

I started writing stories at around six years old.  I wrote until the age of ten, when I took a break from it. I returned to writing stories at about sixteen years old. Ever since then, I enjoyed creating books, particularly for children.

I have always been passionate about fantasy, especially with a modern twist. I have read bestsellers, like the Harry Potter series, which gave me a lot of inspiration for my books. Movies, especially Disney classics, also inspire the content of my stories.


My goal is to help kids escape into a whole new fantastical world, especially if they are going through tough times. 


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