RATING: 📚📚📚📚

We are on book two in Alyssa’s magical adventure. As I said before, this is a fun read, and it will be on my kid’s summer reading list. Yes, I’m that mom.

Alyssa is out of her Uncle’s and now lives with her godfather, Alex. It’s been a few months since her last magical excursion, when she wakes up one day with another message; “welcome back to magic”. I think this is the first book I read, where the kids don’t embrace magic as much. Most kids in books I’ve read are scared, but also excited to possess some type of magical ability. Alyssa is more so, I can do without it type.

She has two magical objects from the last adventure that are supposed to ward off magic, but they are missing. A new villain is on the scene and gives Alyssa magic that does more harm than good. The more she uses the magic, the stronger the villain gets or regains his flesh. The skeleton like villain will do whatever it takes to come out on top. It is up to Alyssa to back control and protect the now peaceful life she finally has, and stop the villain once and for all.

This is a great book for kids. Alyssa is strong, courageous, and loyal. Once she puts her mind to something, she sets out and does it, and puts her all into it. Highly recommend.

I started writing stories at around six years old.  I wrote until the age of ten, when I took a break from it. I returned to writing stories at about sixteen years old. Ever since then, I enjoyed creating books, particularly for children.

I have always been passionate about fantasy, especially with a modern twist. I have read bestsellers, like the Harry Potter series, which gave me a lot of inspiration for my books. Movies, especially Disney classics, also inspire the content of my stories.


My goal is to help kids escape into a whole new fantastical world, especially if they are going through tough times. 



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